I am always searching for new and interesting things for you to try, buy, inspire, win, learn and admire. I love finding free tutorials and patterns for you because I know many of us don’t have the money to indulge in our hobbies and crafts. Many of us do not own stores or sell our products; we give them as gifts or for our own pleasure or use. Our giveaways are always fun and exciting and I love receiving books to review or awesome felted items offered by retailers or shop owners for you to win. I know I enter contests on the Internet and when very few, so when one of you wins a prize from us it makes me feel good about giving you something. I would love to hear opinions from all of you that read my blog. Following are some questions that you can give your honest answer about. Besides doing felting I also like to cover fiber arts so if you would like to see more fiber art tutorials and patterns now is your time to speak up. Okay, let’s get started from the following list pick your favorites are ones you really don’t want to hear about or you ideas.
1. Free tutorials
2. Free patterns
3. Free e-books
4. Book giveaways
5. Product giveaways
6. Promoting shops
7. Featuring felting or fiber artists
8. Video tutorials
9. Magazine reviews
10. Featuring something you have made
11. Featuring Craft shows and events
12. Your ideas
I really want to know what you the readers want to see on the craft gossip felting blog. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions.
Interested in: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Not interested in: 7
Favorites: hard to choose
Something I don’t see other places: 9
Thanks so much for your opinions. I have done a couple of magazine reviews and giveaways. I will certainly keep this in mind. Maybe I can do a Magazine giveaways of a year’s subscription to one would be neat 🙂
I love the free tutorials with lots of pictures and steps to help me try to figure out the project.
I love the pictures showing all the steps and I wish I could use more.
I love the site and I am always checking out the latest in crafts. I would like more on the use of jewellery silver clay and clay to harden in the oven to make jewellery and ornaments. That would be interesting.
Pretty much im up for whatever goes. because if i pick just a few and leave some of these out i might miss something awesome! I’ve commented on your Facebook page already in this week expressing how much inspiration you bring with your posts.. It really brings this stressed mama some peace of mind. Infact if i were a better writer i think i would like to sign up and see if i could get a job with you guys. What you and all your team do everyday is what i do for all my friends ive known for years or new friends i’ve made on my facebook page. Post the most amazing ideas that i can find either from your webpage or things ive found on my on adverntures through the interweb. My husband suggests i make my own vlog or blog which ive decided i will do and when i start i hope to promote this website and all the people you get your awesome and amazing ideas from.
Pretty much 1 through 7. I’m just starting with needlefelting so I would love more on that. I plan program for a Girl Scout encampment for 5-12th grades so I am always looking for craft ideas and even things that could be done as service project (i.e. blankets for Linus Project). I’ve managed to adapt some of the younger craft ideas to ones for older girls, but some projects for older kids would be great.
I just wish I had more time to focus on more things you send in your blog!
I am interested in everything. I love this webpage and look forward to reading it daily. It gives me so many new ideas and challenges me to try new things, I would have never done before!
Everything but (9)Magazine reviews. Not really caring about those.
Barb, this may be for you 🙂 http://felting.craftgossip.com/2011/06/03/hedgehogs-needle-felting-tutorial/
1 – 5: Absolutely love any of those! Free tutorials
6. Promoting shops: Not interested
7 & 8: Yes
9. Magazine reviews: not interested
10. Featuring something you have made: Love seeing what others do, either their own original ideas or modifications of something already shown
11. Featuring Craft shows and events: Not interested
Well, I’m not help because I like them all. I’m like Josie above. I look at everything you post because there are always new creative things. I’m not all that interested in felting, but I look anyway because there might be something there related to something that I like to do that gives me good ideas.
1-5 & 8-10 are what keep me coming back. However, all the other things are gravy and are useful to me from time to time. Magazine reviews are useful because they let me know which ones to skip. Magazines are expensive and saving money so I can buy more fabric is high priority for me!
Thanks for doing what you do. I look forward to it all the time.
I like just about everything in the crafting field and love to read about others. I really do read reviews of books . For a long time I could only afford the free patterns from the internet. I would like to say thank you to every one who has posted patterns. Now I can afford to purchase patterns every once in a while. Because of my work schedule can’t really participate in classes but since subscribing to posts such as these I do not feel so isolated from other crafters.
Hi, I love your email and look forward to seeing what you have found next. The site shows off the amazing skills of all the clever and inspirational people from all over the world and I love the diversity and variety of ideas. I love that you find great tutorials, patterns and ideas as if I try to search blogs etc for ideas I end up spending hours on the computer and end up with no time left to create which is what I’d prefer to be doing!! Love the giveaways but often don’t seem to be open to international readers which is disappointing 🙁 as often there are things I would LOVE to win. Only one other complaint…..there are so many great ideas and things that inspire me that I don’t have enough time to do anywhere neasr as many as I would like :)So a few extra hours in a day would be great!!!!
Thank you, I am thrilled you love our blog.
Free tutorials are always fun. I also find videos helpful because sometimes you need to see what they’re talking about!
I love to see felted jewelry. 🙂
Tutorial and video tutorials are my favorite because they really help me to understand the process. Especially if it’s a technique that is new to me. I would also love to see feaures of felting and fiber artists. I always enjoy learning about the people behind the handicrafts!
Here’s what I’d like: I’d like someone else to run the felting section of this website.
Someone who preferably wasn’t a dried up old bat.
Greetings Terri,
I am so happy you expressed your feelings. I want everyone to visit your remarkable site and meet such a charming young and fresh host as yourself as I would never withhold such a talent from my readers. Learn all about Terri’s vision and her Felting Lessons from Terri Pike. http://www.feltinglessons.com/
Only people with no self esteem insult others. There are hundreds of comments you could have made without name calling! Grow up this is not high school. Shame on you! I enjoy Linda’s posting and so do many others.
I agree with Olivia, when you have to get personal in your criticism of someone you lose all credibility. I have enjoyed Linda’s crafts throughout the years and find her very creative!
Wow, that comment by Terri is about as low as you can go. I happen to follow this web site along with 8,185 followers and 13,343 that like this site. I find when someone says something negative about another, it is because they don’t feel good about themselves. If you are trying to sell items in an Etsy store, this is a strike against you. Jealousy is rearing its ugly head. You are not a professional person and have proven it by your actions. I will continue to follow this site and enjoy it as much as I have. You go, Linda!!