Mrs. Polly Rogers of (who would have thunk it) “Mrs. Polly Rogers” Made is adorable Bubble Scarves by felting bottle caps into wool jersey fabric. No sew! I think it is such a clever idea because I always knit the scarf first and then added the balls and then machine felted and she has saved me a BIG step. Mrs. Polly Rogers made this scarf with 100% wool jersey fabric some bottle caps and rubber bands. Then she felted it in the washing machine. It’s warm and cozy and all her friends want her to make one for them! Be sure you read her bio and watch her TV shows on her blog and you will see she is stuck in 1956 J
This is an ancient technique the Japanese call Shibori (fabric manipulation). She also made another scarf and used wooden beads to make the bubbles. Wow Mrs. Polly Rogers; I know I am impressed and hope everyone tries one. Thanks Polly for sharing your darling idea. Follow Polly on Pinterest she has many fun boards.
Thanks so much, CraftGossip!! Love your site!!
Thanks you fun lady for sharing 🙂