Pink roses in general are given to those whom you want to show thankfulness, admiration, and happiness; so they make the perfect Mother’s Day gift. Jessika Hepburn the editor of “Oh My Handmade Goodness” made her flower with wool felt and thinks that it makes a more substantial flower but this can also be made with the regular craft store felt. Make one for mom and this is a gift she can enjoy all year long while thinking of you. What about making a bridal bouquet in white for a beautiful bride to carry and keep. Jessika has a complete tutorial with pictures and said that these are something that your children can make along with you. She has a downloadable illustrated template and you have to click on it to get a printable PDF file which is really nice to have and you can make these in any size you want. Thanks so much Jessika for sharing this beautiful flower tutorial with us especially since it is near Mother’s Day and graduation gifts would be nice in school colors. TUTORIAL HERE!
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