I ran across this site, Cake Spy and I am trying to find out if these kits can be bought in countries, other than Japan. The Patisserie Soleil site is not user friendly when translated.Cake Spy, tells us:Need a craft you can handle? Invest in a DIY felt cake from Patisserie Soleil, a cuter-than-cute Japanese company offering kits for Frenchie-style felt “pastries” that are so easy that you can figure them out even with the instructions in a foreign language. In fact, all you need are a needle, scissors and adhesive: everything else is pre-cut and ready to go.Check out these charming deserts. If anyone can find out where to buy these let us know?
Thanks to one of my readers here is the link to the site where we can buy these kits. The site is called Reprod Depot.
I LOVE your blog and read it every day!
I found where you can buy these exact kits here in the US: http://www.reprodepotfabrics.com/jaimki.html
How wonderful that you found these kits. I am so happy you like my blog as sometimes I wonder if anyone reads my column. But I now have you! I will put a link in the article. Tanks so much. . .
Do you have a blog I can visit?
Warmest Regards,
Thanks again, I added the site where we can buy the kits.
Thank you for finding cakespy.com too! I’m so glad you like the Patisserie Soleil kits. I saw them originally at the NY Gift Show and thought they were so cute! I love this blog too!
I really love your site, Cake Spy with all your fun ideas and articles. Thanks for joining us here.
Going to buy one of these for sure.
That slice of cake makes me hungry. They are very real looking. Good job!
This is my kind of my blog! I love anything that resembles a dessert!
hey 🙂
its very reasonable point of view.
Good post.
realy gj
thx 🙂
Hello Linda Lanes congratulations on your blog is very interesting.
My name is Maria Pia, I do not speak English and I am interested in getting the kits to make desserts.
Please could indicate the website where they can buy them.
American Felt and Craft also sells some super cute felt crafting kits, the person I emailed at reprodepot said the instructions aren’t in English. 🙁