I happened to run across this site and thought it was some out-there You Tube site, but to my surprise it was fun and gave me a laugh! They are DIY-ers and show some interesting things about crafting and so much more. They tell all the latest in magazines and what craft shows are taking place, plus what people are buying. Check it out and have fun viewing these two upbeat hosts and watch all their on the Thread Bangers You Tube.
There is also a lists of cool DIY sites selling their goods and new magazines.
Corinne Leigh says
thank you for mentioning us on your blog! we get a lot of questions about felting, you should send in a video of you teaching us how to do it!
jimbomel says
Hi guys,
I am new to this forum felting.craftgossip.com and hope that anybody can
help me with the forex market – I am looking for an introduction
for beginners. I have already some knowledge about shares. (Hope this is the fitting category.)
Help is so much appreciated. Most important question: can a noob make money on the forex exchange market?
riskcoack says
Hello. It is test.
C Kim says
great stuff thank you đŸ™‚
snegoviksukablyat says
im new on this forum….