Barb Keith with her amusing entry! LuLu!!!!!I’m a freakishly, fervent, female, felting fanatic and will forever felt fibers. My fondness for felting formed from feeling felted footwear one fine Friday in my favorite, fancy fiber shop. My fascination for fleecy fabrications will forever fill my fingers and fulfill my fantasies. It would be phenomenal if you felt I was your favorite fan!!!!(I frequent my Felt One, Knit Too book often.)Shellie selected Barb and I second the motion 🙂 I hope you enjoy this book and come back and leave a review. Regards,Linda  I found it very hard to pick someone out; I narrowed it down to my favorites and then randomly selected a winner from that list.  Barb Keith on February 19, 2008 7:06 pm is the winner for her creativity post. RegardsShellie
Have you read?
Waffa Birds from Living Felt! A Colourful and Free Tutorial!
Got some free time over the holidays? I think you might just love these colourful birds that you can create, give, share and learn excellent techniques from! Named Waffa Birds or (Wild and Free Fiber Art) Birds these little … Read More ...
Way to go , Barb !!!
Enjoy your new book.
I wish everyone could have won, but thanks to all of you that entered this contest!
Thank you Linda and Lu! I’m sooooooo excited! I NEVER win anything! I guess I can’t say that anymore! I can’t wait to see the book and try projects from it! I truly am a felting addict! I hope to teach felting to the afterschool knitting program I am launching at my school beginning April 8th, thanks to Helping Hands Mentoring Program. I found this mentoring program through Needle Arts Studios. They’ve sent me supplies for 12 students. It’s a wonderful program!
Knit On…….as Vickie Howell would say