I have been seeing these adorable Japanese Felting books all over the web on different blogs and they seem to be in demand in crafting circles. It appears from the people that use them that you do not need to read Japanese to create the items from these books. I do not own one and I hope that anyone that does will leave a comment how they like these books and if they were indeed able to felt from the pictorial instructions only.
There is an ETSY shop the sells the Japanese crafting books, not only on felting but many other crafty projects. The name of the shop is Saucylouise’s Shop and she lives in Okinawa, Japan where her husband is in the Air Force. If you are at all interested, do pay her a visit and check out her shop which I think you will find very enjoyable and if there is a book you want she will get it for you.
I haven’t seen the felting books, but I use the crochet, embroidery and sewing books and the diagrams are so good, I’ve been able to make the projects without understanding one single Japanese symbol.
Thank you for the information and I am sure that everyone will think of buying one of these charming books because of your comment 🙂