by Francoise Tellier-Loumagne
This book “Art of Felt “appears to be for those who want to take a different path in the art of felting. I do not own this book but thought it was different and more artistic than some of the other books I have reviewed here. The following is taken off the site “”. Maybe it is a book that may interest you artistic felters. This is all inspiring, all-color survey of designs and patterns for this popular craft.
Felt is often thought of as a practical material but can be surprisingly versatile and even poetic.. With handmade felted fabrics, subtle variations in color, texture, and volume can be achieved: threads and fibers merge almost magically to form new motifs that can then be enlivened by embroidered or crocheted details.Available at
Françoise Tellier-Loumagne takes an original approach to the world of felt making, finding design inspiration in calm morning skies, spectacular sunsets, and brilliant fireworks displays. The book includes basic techniques that can be used to create felted fabrics from scratch, such as needle-felting and tufting, along with imaginative ideas for ready-made felt. With a little artistic guidance, clouds across the moon can be turned into an eye-catching necklace, or a stormy sky may inspire a striking scarf or cushion cover. Illustrated with hundreds of images, this book will be a treasure trove for anyone interested in original textile design.
I was so dissapointed with this book,to me it was more about photophography, it seemed to me every other page had sky’s on it.that is NOT what i was hopeing to see.I wanted load’s of picture’s on felt.wool,etc., it was not helpfull one bit. if a beginner had bought it, they would not have had a clue what do do,as for making felt,not chance……