My last article was a book review on Needle Felting Artful Fashion by, Judy Jacobs and Kay Kaduce who also author this book. I received The Big Book of Needle Felting coauthored by, Judy Jacobs, Kay Kaduce and Jewelry Artist, Rona Horn giving us a diverse book covering over fifty stunning projects. This beautiful needle felting book is filled with wonderful pictures and information on needle felting.
These three ladies have gotten together to bring us an abundance of new fun ideas and innovative designs. One of the themes in this book covers all the holidays and with fall almost upon us I will want to try the colorful and unique wreath and the adorable pumpkins. I think when you purchase this book you will want to try several of the ladies’ projects. The lovely flower and jewelry can be given as a teacher’s gift or to adorn a special gift package with artful wearable embellishments. The felted jewelry is fun and lovely and you will want to try several ideas in this area.
You will also want to acquire many of the materials and supplies so beautifully pictured as you get into needle felting. Three wonderful ladies share their specialties with us in this book and I am sure you will find several projects you will want to try. The creations are so lovely and fun to wear and give. Thank you ladies for sharing you art with the entire world.
Thank you once again for a glowing review! I have to tell you, I am so enjoying your site. It is filled with wonderful places and people to visit. My problem is tearing myself away to get some work done! Judy