When the appliance companies begin developing machines for a craft, we know that this craft has become very popular. The snowy creek roller felting machine is an exciting looking appliance for nuno felting and will save us much time and energy. I could not find a price on this felting machine, but I will email and see where it can be purchased and at what price.
A little about felting machine:
This is a new generation Roller Felting Machine combining ease of use, flexibility and safety into one transportable unit. The design of The Roller Felting Machine provides felters with the greatest flexibility in the finished product under controlled, repeatable conditions.
This is how the roller felting machine works. You lay out your fiber on a sheet of packaging bubble wrap, then wet the fiber with warm soapy water, and then roll up your work carefully in the bubble wrap around the flexible core. Place the rolled up work between the rollers in the machine. Closing the guard lowers the top roller applying an even constant pressure to your work as it rotates between the rollers.
At the centre of the snowy creek roller felting machine is it’s unique flexible core. This light weight mesh cylinder supports the bubble wrap containing your work as it is rotated between the motorized rollers. The flexible cores shape changes as it rotates rolling your work in a fashion very similar to hand rolling.
hmmmmm, interesting
The website for this company says the machine is priced $5,300 AU. While it might be a great machine, it might also be out of reach pricewise.
I have seen a product line with nuno fabric created all my machine. It produces a uniform, but rather thick felted fabric, like coat weight wool.
I would also think that it might eliminate the flexibility of creating nuno fabric with unfelted areas, since, once the auto-rolling starts, you may lost control over what the felting process does.
Perhaps, with the growing popularity of felting, other more cost effective rollers will be developed. Seems like it turns the handmade process into machine made. And at a price only affordable for businesses that sell mass amounts of nuno felted fabric.
Hi Nancy,
I agree with you, the cost could never be cost rational for a home crafter.
In the last 2 years I have been working with the machine. With doing Nuno and solid felting it has made a world of a difference to me to be able to carrie on doing my work.
The price may be a little steap but to me it has been worth every penny.
We have a very small weaving business generated by our small flock of sheep. We have had calls for felt from our flock and are looking for felting machine plans.
The current machines that produce a 24 to 32 inch wide and 3 yards long product on the market are to high a price for us. Any sources for plans?
We have a mini mill wet table felter. It creates sheets of felt 36 X 44 inches. They sell like hotcakes for $25 and up. You might consider having us make the felt for you rather than investing in a machine as we did. The felting machine EATS carded wool, a lb. an hour. Unless you are processing 100’s of lbs of wool a year, you might just consider having some of your wool processed by us, rather than making a huge investment on a machine that would sit idle much of the time. There is also a steep learning curve, we are just getting really good at this after 2 years of steady 7 day a week felting.
How much does a mini mill wet table felter cost and where do you get one? We are alpaca owners who are looking for different ways to process our fibre.
I looked and then asked The Funky Felter and this is the site she came up with: http://www.minimills.net/page.php?6
Judy, I would love to know how the roller felting machine works and what types of felt it will or won’t cope with. I am interested in getting one in the future but am trying to get first hand info before I consider the purchase.
Interested in felting roller the Snowy Creek one. Where can they be purchased and what is the price.