Karen is fairly new to felting and in the following she has asked us to be patient with her, but I have no idea why, because she has come up with some really clever designs, like her Santa in The Chimney that is on EBAY but she is not sure she wanted to part with her little Santa friend. Please go and check out her site “Karen’s Felt Works”
and read about her and look at her cool felting.
Karen Relates:
Please be patient with me as I am so very new to this and it might take me a while to sort things out.
Needle Felting has become a Passion and although I’ve only been felting since Feb this year I am totally addicted. I love the way you can take a handful of fleece and a single barbed needle and create something amazing. I would love to share my work with whoever would love to look so please bare with me as i upload some pictures from my earliest pieces ( where i am self taught) to my latest pieces where i found this wonderful teacher. Her name is Kay Petal and we have had the best time over the last few months and she has taught me so much in her Feltalive Class.
Thank you so much for taking the time with me i really do appreciate it.
Cheers and Happy Needling
I agree with Linda – Karen’s work is so clever! She’s a natural! Way to go Karen!
Thankyou so much Linda, This is so very cool
and Thankyou Kay i really appreciate it.
cheers karen
Your art is wonderful! So hard to believe you just started so recently. You truly inspire those of us new to the craft!
very cute and clever. and she’s new?? wow!