Via a random number generator, Edina from: Del Mar/San Diego, ca is the winner of “Knit to Be Square: Domino Designs to Knit and Felt” from Interweave Press. Interweave Press is a fascinating site to visit and see what’s new in many crafting areas. They carry wonderful books and magazines relating to most crafters and arts. Congratulations Edina and I hope we get to see a sample of something you knit from this winning book.
Edina has a blog titled; “Edina Tien ~musings on life and art” so drop by and congratulate her!
I want to thank everyone that entered this giveaway and I’m sorry that you all can’t be winners :(, but the shipping costs are breaking me 🙂 I was so impressed with the amount of entries we had and hope remarkable you continue to enter our contest and giveaways. Thanks again for supporting craft gossip felting and be sure to recommend yourself or anyone else you know that does felting. I would love to hear from you all and I hope you have a great New Year.
Oooo – I’m so excited to win this book and can’t wait to use it – thanks so much!
my knitting blog:knit with me
Thank you for joining the giveaway 🙂
congrats edina! and thanks linda for hostessing these fab giveaways! we appreciate them!