Knit Whits, operated by, Tina Whitmore has many different felting artist’s designer patterns and you can purchase the patterns email via PDF printable files, mail or order the entire kit for some projects. They carry patterns for: Wool Hats, Knitter’s Block, Togs for Tots, Scarves, Socks, Socks for Tots, Mittens, Purses, Flower Pins, For Home, Yarns , DVDs, Bikinis. Drop by and take a look at all their neat patterns and yarns and tell then you found them on Craft Gossip. .
They are a unique knitting design company offering patterns and kits to knitters of all ages and skill levels. We pride ourselves on a large selection of fun, original and timeless designs that we know you will enjoy making, keeping or giving.
smile, your just evil leaving us poor broke saps links to such yummy fiber treats! (just kidding, well partly! smile)