Jill lives in Dandenong Ranges near Melbourne, Australia with her husband and has two daughters (Maisy and Alice) the name of her ETSY shop.
Jill has superb felting designs in her shop. I was blown away by her original creative designs. You have got to check out her shop and leave a comment here for Jill.
All of Jill’s pieces are one of a kind creations, handmade with love (as Jill says) . She has been known to dabble in this, that and very often the other!! Textiles felt, mixed media art, Paper Mache etc. We are the lucky ones that she has decided to design in felt at this time.
Wow, this is such a lovely surprise! Thank you. I feel very lucky to be featured on such an amazing blog! I didn’t know about it before, I think I’m going to be visiting very often!! I’m off to explore!
beautiful stuff!
What can I say, just lovely work, I wore my necklace the other day and got many responses. I look forward to more and new work as I know I will be adding more to my collection and for gifts.