Amanda is a felting artist from Finland. She has a blog Felt Finland, a Flickr photo stream that will give you an idea of this amazing woman’s talents. There is no way that I could show you a small fraction of her work, so I selected Easter related items. Amanda has another site she sells from which is called Felt Finland. One of the things I noticed about a man does sites is that she has written them both in English and in Finnish which allows us that are English-speaking to enjoy her sites. Please take the time to visit Amanda’s sites and see all her stunning felting.
Artist’s statement:
In the autumn of 2005, quite by chance, I discovered the ancient craft of Felting. History will tell us that felt dates back to as early as 6500BC and is one of the oldest forms of fabric. I use felt’s amazing properties to create art in the form of wall hangings, table runners and pictures, using the traditional wet felting method – Soap, hot water and friction (one’s hands usually!) I also use the needle felting method to make 3 dimensional characters and smaller decorations.
Thank you,Linda,for this lovely article!