This is a fun video by Laurie Sharp on how to needle felt a bunny. The needle felting video is in time lapse so keep your eyes open. This little bunny is so cute and I’m sure all you needle felters will want to try one.
Laurie owns Wool Pets, her needle felting kit business, her book “Wool Pets: showing you how to make 20 Figures with Wool Roving and a felting Needle. Kevin, Laurie’s husband is a photographer and they work out of their home in Suquamish, Washington. Kevin does all the great step-by-step photography for Laurie’s kits and also shot all the photos for the book.
so cute!
That is adorable! thanks for the pointer and I hope the Easter bunny brings you lots of goodies.
Hi and thank you for featuring this video on Craft Gossip! My fingers sure can work fast – hehe.