I think this needle carrier is just delightful and the complete pattern and felting instructions are in a PDF format for you to open and print. This is a Cat Bordhi Design. The Moebius-brimmed bag is worn Robin Hood-style like an arrow quiver, holding your needles at the ready should you suddenly want to knit while traipsing through the forest! Each pair of needles is tucked into a Spiral Felted Needle Cozy. Imagine Robin Hood as a knitter – this is what his quiver would look like, full of knitting needles instead of arrows! The rim is a Moebius band, and so is the strap. Everything is felted so the quiver is sturdy enough to take up Mount Everest, or just to prop beside your favorite knitting chair.
Cat also has a video on Moebius knitting techniques for you to follow.
very cool!!