Vivian Peritts had a strong desire to be a stay-at-home mom, so she quit her job as an art teacher. Soon she started making and selling soft sculpture dolls, which she sold at craft fairs and stores to bring in a little extra cash. Today, Vivian is a nationally acclaimed craft designer whose work is often featured on HGTV and DIY. She’s the author of numerous craft titles, including “Felted Wool Fashions” published in 2008 by Sterling. She also works as a consultant for leading manufacturers in the craft and hobby industry, sharing her creativity through inspiring projects and ideas. Learn how to create some the remarkable projects from Vivian’s book from Google Books. There are complete instructions for making all types of flowers, a caplet and an adorable vest. Leave it up to Google to have such an innovative idea that allows us to look at several projects from a book and then decide if we would like to own it or not. These are complete patterns taken from her book “Felted Wool Fashions”. If you decide to buy this book it is available on
I would like the pattern for you first jack on page 8 & 9 in your book felted wool fashions.