As you can see from these amazing pictures, Nad is a pro at felting and I found a tutorial on “” Although the pictures are not the best unless you are PRO menber, you can look at these pictures and see the finished results. I also found this little snippet about Nad on “” a wonderful site that offers crafters fun and exciting projects, so check them out and try Nad’s tutorial. nFelt is a line of felted accessories made by Nad Thitadilaka. Nad is a textile designer originally from Phuket, Thailand where there is no wool or snow. She lived in Chicago for a number of years and became fascinated with this stuff called wool. The felting began when she threw a knit hat into a hot washing machine and was surprisingly happy with the results. Her brooches and necklaces are made with wool roving and glass beads but the results are totally divine. Who knew that simple felting could yield such visually rich objects. Seeing the layers in the spherical brooches is just amazing. She is now working in Thailand as a textile designer for the non-profit organization called the Doi Tung Development Project ( Doi Tung helps create sustainable economies for northern Thai people by supporting textile and handicraft skills as an alternative to illicit opium farming.
Those felted creations by Nad Thitadilaka are extraordinary. They look like some kind of fruit mixed with an alien pod from a sci fi film. They’re beautiful originals.