Leah Adams of Spider Felt is offering some wonderful felting kits. The soap making kits comes with three bars of Green Tea and Olive Oil Soap, three colors of roving and instructions. Leah is an amazing felting artist and is giving us everything we need to make soap or give a kit as gifts to someone who love crafting and has never tried felting. She also has other felting kits, so pop on over and take a look at her lovely art felting and kits.
Leah enlightens:
“Why would I want a felt soap?” you ask. Have you ever dropped a sliver of soap in the shower and watched it slip down the drain? Never again. As you use your felt soap, the bar inside the felt package dissolves slowly leaving a hollow ball. Typically lasting three times as long as your average bar of soap, every last suds is used in this efficient conveyance. Plus, the felt gently exfoliates your skin as you wash.
These would be great for Christmas gifts! (Is it too early to start thinking about that?? LOL)
haha no i dont think it is i think you are right but i dont know if i could give this away