I met Maureen Cracknell on Facebook and want to share this felting artist’s creations with you. Check her out on Facebook and become her friend and keep up with all her new creations. She makes the most adorable “Heart Felt” dolls and “Felts Like Home” Dollhouse Ornament. She just opened a ETSY shop called “Maureen Cracknell Handmade” and she tells me that she will be adding items daily for the holidays. She also has started a blog called “Maureen Cracknell Handmade”. Maureen is not new to crafting in felt. Recently she finished up a toy line for the music duo Renee & Jeremy a unique collaboration and she thinks this is one of the coolest things she has gotten to make. All the items she created were inspired by the awesome animation for their music video for “It’s a big world” and the illustrations on their website, both done by artist Hsinping Pan. Check these exciting people and watch to the fun videos.
Maureen Cracknell Handmade is a home business she has recently started. With a desire to create and constant inspiration from her three children she began making clothing and toys and knew that if she was going to put anything out there, she wanted it to be green.
Love these creations! They are adorable. Make great one of a kind gifts.
My son Owen has a “hear felt” dog that Maureen made him for Christmas last year. It is one of his favorites. I didn’t think her creations could get any better but looking at her new stuff definitely shows how much she has expanded into other types of dolls. I can’t wait to see what she makes for my baby girl Josie.
the owl is super cute but the little dolls eyes freak me out.
Cute! Happy Holidays!
Truly amazing work…a special gift for anyone. Can’t wait to see more!!
I ordered a train depot for my son Jake. It is awesome – I can’t wait to give it to him. Only 22 more days until he is three. I know he will love it!
Since the depot, I have sent Maureen some of Jake’s baby clothes that she has incorporated into a Santa doll that I mean to be an heirloom item for our family. Now everyone wants their own!!!
Wow! I am sure Jake will love it 🙂
The dolls eyes look as if the flesh around them has been ripped off. Sorry.