Shalana the Funky Felter again is offering my readers a chance to win these stunning Nuno felting Supplies. She is offering a vibrant array of hand dyed silk scarves along with the roving in a blaze of colors and so you can try your hand at Nuno felting. This is such a generous offering from Shalana and I am sure everyone will want to enter this giveaway. The Nuno felting produces the most beautiful items let anyone would be proud to own. I have never tried this type of felting but it looks amazing. Nuno felting is a Japanese fabric felting technique. It melds loose fiber, usually wool, into a sheer fabric such as silk gauze. This creates a lightweight felt that can totally cover the background fabric or be used as a single decorative design. The Nuno felting process is particularly suitable for fine garment making, since silk-backed felt ensures a stable felt that will not stretch out of shape like normal felt. Because it is lightweight and easy to manipulate it can also be dyed more readily than traditional felt. Other fabrics or open weaves can be used as the felting background, resulting in a wide range of textural effects and colors. Shalana has scarves “pictured above” using this process. I’ve seen some gorgeous designs in clothing and accessories as I constantly learn about the art of felting. Many renowned designers are integrating felt into their runway shows. This giveaway will allow you the opportunity to own the products so you can start your adventure with Nuno felting. You will be winning the hand dyed silk scarves and the roving. To enter this contest, go over to The Funky Felter’s Etsy Fiber Shop and explain why you would like to try Nuno felting and what captivates you in her shop. Once you have decided come back here and leave your comments in the comment area. She is giving you enough materials so you can make something stunning for spring. One all-in-one pack of hand dyed silk gauze (9 different colored 4″ X 54″ un-hemmed pieces) and one “Pile of Wool” package of wool roving bunches (2 ounces total wool in 12 different colors). The silks are all the colors from the new collection sets available. The combination of 9 silks and 12 colors of roving is a nice starter set for anyone wanting to experiment with Nuno felting. This giveaway will begin today February 7th through February 19th. Good luck to everybody this is an amazing giveaway.
Have you read?
Waffa Birds from Living Felt! A Colourful and Free Tutorial!
Got some free time over the holidays? I think you might just love these colourful birds that you can create, give, share and learn excellent techniques from! Named Waffa Birds or (Wild and Free Fiber Art) Birds these little … Read More ...
Wow, so pretty! I love the scarves. I’m always up for trying a new craft!
I love learning new crafting techniques of all kinds! Shalana’s shop is so colorful, it just welcomes you in! And I have to say, the $2 shipping to anywhere is a huge plus, too!
I’ve been looking longingly at learning to felt and her colors just flame that. I want to start making hair decorations for my past waist length hair and this would be awesome to work with.
I love all the felt hearts in her shop! They are so cute!
Wow! Shalana is making such amazing things with nuno felt! I love her heart rings, they are so lovely! I really want to start my adventure with nuno felting. Why? Cause I would be able to make such cute accessories for me. I will make head accessories and jewelery which I love to wear 😉
wow – looks like fun! I’ve never done any needle felting before but it looks so pretty!
Oh wow – how beautiful. I would love to try.
Shalana Rocks! I love everything in her shop. The silk stuff is quite intriguing. Colour, texture and creativity, with $2 shipping! I heart her shop.
The colours are beautiful! I love Shalana’s shop, and $2 shipping – what could be better! I would love to win!
I love the scarves and would like to try making one from this wonderful win!
I am in love with the “Triple Stripe Scarf in Blue Tones”- it’s so beautiful! I’d love to try this technique.
I am in love with the “Triple Stripe Scarf in Blue Tones”- it’s so beautiful! I’d love to try this technique.
Wow, lovely, vibrant colors! These would be great to use for a new felting project.
Wow, what a talented lady, Shalana is!!! I am always up for trying a new craft and would really enjoy this one I am sure. Shalana’s shop has soooo many beautiful things it is hard not to want to take advantage of her cheap shipping rate.
[email protected]
Greetings! Your Scarves are gorgeous! I love felting. I am pretty good at needle felting, though nuno is something I want to learn. Please enter me in your contest:)
A local art center here has done similar felting, and I’ve never had a chance to take a class, so I would love to be able to learn to do this. I love the colors in the Hand Dyed Silk Collection for Nuno Felting, Fiber Art, and Textile Design – Stormy Desert Limited Edition Set.
woo-hoo! what a great give-away 😀 sign me up, linny loo! (thanks!)
wow how cute! I just started getting into needle and wet felting, so this would be fun to learn too! I would love to have all the colors in the beginners needle felting kit, but I also think the sweetheart bobby pins are adorable 🙂
knitmit on rav
Your choice of colors are spectacular! Your jewelry items would be fun to wear, especially the puffed heart and flower. To win would be incredible. I’ve just started dry felting after years of knitting with wool and felting and the possibilities are endless.
I’ve been a fan of Shalana’s work for a while! Her scarves are just gorgeous! I’m intrigued with nuno felting and would love to try it.
I LOVE Shalana’s scarves and the cute little hearts that dot things all about her shop:) I have been wanting to try nuno felting for awhile now, and I think I finally have time to do some this year!!
My favorite scarf in her shop right now is:
The Funky Felter is so amazingly talented!
My mother-in-law is sharing her felting talents with me. How wonderful it would be to win this very lovely hand dyed silk and gauze and 12 colors of wool would be a wonderful way to
learn. Her “Handmade Wool and Silk Nuno Felted Scarf Wrap in Pink, Orange, and Olive” is truly an inspiration to me!
Many thanks, Cindi
I have enjoyed needle felting, and would like to try nuno felting this spring!
Every thing about your work excites me. I want to give those dyed scarves a try. I have attempted numo a couple of time but it just hasn’t looked right. I will get trying till I get it right with some information and direction from you so please enter me into the giveaway.
Would love to make a jacket or hat, I know, why not dream big!? Have not tried nuno felting yet, have an embellisher machine that I have felted with. clothing is my passion and Shalan’s wool is the best.
I have only tried needle felting in small projects, and would love to try and learn more. Love all the colours, especially the hand dyed silk.
Love love the colors in the carnival snow cone set. I haven’t tried nuno felting yet, but this might be the catalyst to try.
I love the vibrant colors! I have been wanting to try felting, so fun!
I’ve never tried needle felting but would love to. Beautiful colors.
Wool and silk – two of my faves! I have fulled sweaters and then added needle felting. I’ve also made felted purses – I would love to try my hand at a new kind of felting. hmm…. wool and silk……
The flowers are adorable. I would love to learn Nuno felting. I keep trying different fiber crafts, and so far I love them all!
Me and my friend some some scarves at our local craft show, Ever since then I have really wanted to try it myself.
I would like to try this b/c it would be new to me. I really like the Always in Bloom – One Custom Color Flower Hair Pin from her shop.
I love needle felting. It helps to take out my frustration of our state budget cuts! Only in California do we have a movie star governor who TERMINATES services for the disabled and our senior citizens! Poke, poke, poke did I say poke?
Wonderful giveaway!
I have decided that 2010 is my year to experiment in new mediums. Fiber art is at the top of that list. I am about to learn to spin with a drop spindle. I love wool roving. I dont actually know how to knit or crochet, so felting would probably be a smarter choice 😀
I am absolutely in LOVE with the
Handmade Wool and Silk Nuno Felted Scarf Wrap in Pink, Orange, and Olive. I want to learn to make beautiful wearable art like that.
I took a needlefelting class last month and then started felting soap. I have been obsessed with finding roving and reading about felters. I discovered The Funky Felter’s shop during my many nights of finding as much information about felting as possible. It is really difficult to find roving. TheFunkyFelter’s shop is very inspirational for me. I love her heart rings and pendants. She makes me want to learn how to dye roving. I would really love the opportunity to try my hand at nuno felting. Thank you! Anna
Wow – what a fabulous giveaway!
Hi Shalana! I think you know already that I absolutely love your scarf work, but this latest offering of dyed silks is…well…to ‘dye’ for! Grin. I’d love to get better at my nuno technique, so your give away would be perfect for me!
I am not sure where to leave my comment on Etsy.I am new to the needle felting but I am hooked already.I love the “Funky Felter Pile of Wool in 12 Colors” It would be so much fun to play with such a wonderful selection.What a generous giveaway,thank you!
Shalana, I love all of your creations – no surprise to you. I did one nuno workshop and I’m ready to try it again – just need a push in the right direction (which you always give). Thanks for giving us all another chance to experience creativity.
I’m a novice at felting, but find it fascinating and fun. The vibrant colors in the Funky Felter’s shop are so inspiring!
Since discovering felting last summer, I’ve been reading voraciously of all the felt techniques out there, and have attended Felt School at the Harveyville Project, where I got a chance to try my hand at Nuno…but I was too agressive and the fibers just peeled off. I have just tea dyed some cheesecloth, and plan to give Nuno another try…but would LOVE to win this package to really get my bearings with this technique. FELT ROCKS!
I saw an article about needle felting in the Needle Arts magazine and just had to find out more about it. During my internet search I saw some soap and hat felting done. What an inspiration it was to me! I knew I just had to try it. After many internet searches I found Shalana’s site and loved what she had made with all the colorful wool roving. So I bought some for felting soap. What fun it was to make my first bar of felted soap! I’ve also started experimenting with free motion embroidery which could incorporate the Nuno fabric in such a beautiful way. Thank you to all who share their talents for others to learn.
I’ve done some beginning felting so would love to be inspired to practice more w/ new supplies!!
At her site I thought everything looked well made & of course CUTE! I especially liked the sushi & spiral beads.
I also visited her rubber stamp store & was equally impressed!
I love Shalana’s simple yet profound beauty of her small felted items like the hearts… and I really love the swirl/sushi beads. My very favorite is the Nuno felted scarf in Ice blue and salmon.
Have been needle felting for 2yrs now and just started getting into the wet felting. I started doing some flowers that came out really nice. I have a very small indoor working space so I’m waiting for warmer weather to try nuno felting.
I took a fibers class in college and it was probably my favorite art class I ever took. I’m sad to say I haven’t done anything like that since. I would love another chance to get my hands dirty with some felting!!! =)
I’ve just started felting and Shalana was a big help in getting me started on a beginning felting kit. Thanks bunches.
i saw a tutorial for felted soap once and was always intrigued by felting in general. would love to win this and begin my felting adventures!
That orange pink olive nuno scarf is beautiful. Unfortunately I don’t have any experience with needle felting. I’ve knitted and then felted, but I have been wanting to try needle felting. I love that the funky felter has a basic starting kit at a very reasonable price. My fingers are crossed for this awesome giveaway!
Hi there,
Great shop – fabulous giveaway 🙂
I want to be able to felt -especially after seeing your lovey creations
Choose me PLEASE
Love the many choices – a scarf has my first vote