Shalana the Funky Felter again is offering my readers a chance to win these stunning Nuno felting Supplies. She is offering a vibrant array of hand dyed silk scarves along with the roving in a blaze of colors and so you can try your hand at Nuno felting. This is such a generous offering from Shalana and I am sure everyone will want to enter this giveaway. The Nuno felting produces the most beautiful items let anyone would be proud to own. I have never tried this type of felting but it looks amazing. Nuno felting is a Japanese fabric felting technique. It melds loose fiber, usually wool, into a sheer fabric such as silk gauze. This creates a lightweight felt that can totally cover the background fabric or be used as a single decorative design. The Nuno felting process is particularly suitable for fine garment making, since silk-backed felt ensures a stable felt that will not stretch out of shape like normal felt. Because it is lightweight and easy to manipulate it can also be dyed more readily than traditional felt. Other fabrics or open weaves can be used as the felting background, resulting in a wide range of textural effects and colors. Shalana has scarves “pictured above” using this process. I’ve seen some gorgeous designs in clothing and accessories as I constantly learn about the art of felting. Many renowned designers are integrating felt into their runway shows. This giveaway will allow you the opportunity to own the products so you can start your adventure with Nuno felting. You will be winning the hand dyed silk scarves and the roving. To enter this contest, go over to The Funky Felter’s Etsy Fiber Shop and explain why you would like to try Nuno felting and what captivates you in her shop. Once you have decided come back here and leave your comments in the comment area. She is giving you enough materials so you can make something stunning for spring. One all-in-one pack of hand dyed silk gauze (9 different colored 4″ X 54″ un-hemmed pieces) and one “Pile of Wool” package of wool roving bunches (2 ounces total wool in 12 different colors). The silks are all the colors from the new collection sets available. The combination of 9 silks and 12 colors of roving is a nice starter set for anyone wanting to experiment with Nuno felting. This giveaway will begin today February 7th through February 19th. Good luck to everybody this is an amazing giveaway.
[…] Felted tote bag patternWorld of Wool!Up-cycle and create this Charming Felt Valentine CharacterWin Nuno Felting Supplies from the Funky FelterFree tutorial for a handmade felt heartHands-on Hedgehog TutorialMolly's Sketchbook: Fabric Window […]
[…] Direct Link to Giveaway: […]
[…] and create this Charming Felt Valentine CharacterFree Felted tote bag patternWin Nuno Felting Supplies from the Funky FelterFree tutorial for a handmade felt heartWorld of Wool!Lovely Felted Flowers form […]
I always wanted to try out needle felting and it is one of the crafting techniques I would like to try for this year.
I’d love to try this!
I became intrigued with felting a couple of years ago and found Shalana’s shop, hearted it, found her website, signed up for her newsletter, and have kept up with her beautiful work. I love her nuno felt scarves best of all she offers. She inspired me to do some needle felting, but still haven’t had the money for materials to try the nuno. I’d love to win the supplies! You rock Shalana! (and it’s time to post some photos of that cute redheaded daughter!)
The vibrant colors of silk and wool invite’s one to begin crafting Nuno inspired creations. This process of using silk and wool together sounds wonderful.
I have wanted to learn this technique for a while now. I do needle felting, but this always interested me. I love scarves and it would be so fun to make my own with such lovely colors. I love Shalana’s shop. I think her rings are just the cutest idea. And her colors are so bright and vibrant.
I like Alaways In Bloom Pendants. I have a felting book. But have never felted so some supplies would get me started.
I just started to have interest in sewing. Never knew what is felting before but now I know.. and after checking Shalana’s website, makes me want to learn nuno felting. I really love those scarfs, especially the Triple Stripe Hand Felted Wool Scarf in Purple Tones. 🙂
i have been expanding my felting by trying new ways of felting. Her scarves style is one i have not yet done!
I love the little heart pendants. They’re so cute – and are perfect for Valentine’s Day ! What an interesting technique! I’m naughtyknots over on Rav. 🙂
So much beautiful color. Today’s my birthday to I’m feeling this is the right time to enter!
I am most captivated by the wool colors. I LOVE color and her colors are so vibrant and pretty. Gosh, I hope I win! Someone’s gonna be very lucky.
The beads really inspire me, loving the colors, the way the photo is taken plus all of the ideas that pop to mind that I could use them for!! I also love the salmon, silver, white scarf!! Yummy!! I have felted and have an embellisher so nuno felting would be a great addition to what I already do!
Nuno felting has been on my must do list for ages. It would be a lovely change from needle felting aliens for sure!
It is all stunning! I have been dying to try Nuno felting but can’t budget in the supplies right now. I fell in love with the felt flower hair clips! Oh, the possibilities! The felted hearts were also just darling. I have small kiddos so I would want to make stuff for them.
Nuno felting caught the eye of my friend and me. We are both nurses looking for a creative outlet from our stress and a way to make a personal fashion statement. Although because of our respective spouses’ salaries, we need to keep our jobs, we would love to have a small cottage industry and think this would be the way to go….and the hearts are awesome b/c we would want hearts to be in our signature pieces…We make a difference every day in our patient’s lives and we would like to do the same for ourselves.
I’m learning to needlesculpt figures, and am becoming fascinating by felt in general, so I’d love to try this! The felted hearts in the shop lift my spirits with all the bright colors…
I like the Sweetheart Hair Pins. I have done machine felting but never hand felting. I would love to try this.
I’d love to try nuno felting because I live in a hot climate, but it sometimes gets a little cool at night. i think nun felt would be perfect for it.
I’ve wanted to try felting recently! I would love to make a neacklace from wool beads.
I love felt, but always have wanted to try wet felting. I’ve seen an article about nuno felting but affraid to start doing it. Well, may be this contest will give me a push.
I like this necklace,you made Shalana
The Cherry’s Jubilee Necklace – bright red and white felted wool bead necklace.
Keep on going! wishing you the best,
I love the heart barrettes and I just know my little princess would love the crown set. And all those beautiful colors. I’ve been wanting to try felting for awhile and I think those colors were the motivation I’ve been looking for.
Wow I’d love to give it a try. Thanks for the gorgeous giveaway
i love needle felting
and i love wool
i would love to learn new things!
and i love all the colors in her shop!
we’d love to win this –
in the process of learning to felt now,
teaching my neighbor’s children too!
they’re so excited . . .
I must say Shalana’s colors capture the imagination and her creativity inspires…
This collection would be a real boon to my collection (The nearly non-exisitant one from Hobby Lobby)to finish my “Wee Folks” fairy project for the “Seeing is Believing” Lions Club spring charity table–and then Nuno felt for Moi!!!!
It is a tough call to choose a favourite item from some much joyful work. At a push I would also choose the flower hair pins.
I would love to receive the kit and start Nuno felting as I have spring fever and am longing to create something beautiful.
p.s I couldn’t link to your rubberstamping site from your etsy shop.
I love the triple stripe scarves, but the kits were especially useful for me. I am a professional fashion designer and am just discovering Nuno felting. I love learning new techniques to add drama and dimension to my work. My favorite aspect to nuno felting is the way it loosely integrates, but does not obscure, your base fabric, then shrinks, giving you fabric a gorgeous rippled effect. I do not have any Nuno supplies yet, but am just dying (small pun) to try it out and see how it can help me take my garments to the next level.
I just finished reading Uniquely Felt by Christine White to review it for my website. There is a large post-it note marking page 214 for Nuno Scarves. I have several needle felting projects started now but the very next thing will be Nuno felting to create a unique scarf with depth of color and exciting textures. I would like to create a scarf that coordinates with my hats but is not matchy. By the way, anyone who wins this might want to check Uniquely Felt, especially for the description of scrolling (p.215) for anyone short of space to spread out their project.
The first thing that jumped out at me from her shop was the colours! They are beautiful and really caught my attention , They made me want to create .I loved Funky Felter Felted Woolly Soap Kit for Beginners as well as the adorable heart felted berets and pendants . The silk is exquisite! As you can see it is hard for me to pick just one favorite from this shop
Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
OK I went to the shop and entered the contest. It is a very hard shop to leave! So many gorgeous choices mmm delightful stuff 🙂
The scarves are so beautiful – who would love a new nuno scarf? I want to win the kit so I can learn how to make lovely gifts for my friends and family.
I found the funky felter on ravelry discussing green dyes!
I’ve been keeping my eye out for some sort of nuno ‘kit’- something that would have all the bits to get me started and let me see and feel what I need. Because I’m sure once I get started, I’ve got what I need around here!!
I have always wanted to try felting, especially after getting into the local craft/arts scene and seeing all the possibilities! I love the
Love Ya a Bunch – A Custom Color Heart Pendant and Gift Bag Set in hot pink and dark plum!
I am a knitter and have already worked in felting and LOVE it! That is why I want to win this so badly! As far as her site goes, I love the Funky Felter Pile of Wool in 12 Colors.
I love textile crafts, my mom is a spinner, weaver and knitter, and I do mostly knitting, sewing and embroidery. I’ve tried some simple felting and I’d really like to try this, silk and wool are very nice together. The little felted hearts are very cute, and the hand dyed silks are lovely.
Felting is one area that I have been wanting to start, but haven’t because I was intimidated. Now, after looking at this website, I would love to learn. Fantastic stuff!
I have been researching felting for weeks when I found your great blog and if I won this I could finally start a project.The scarf on Funky felter inspires me to start.
Her felted hearts are adorable. If you go on her blog she has 30% off through the weekend! I am just starting to learn how to felt and would love to work with the various colors she offers.
I’m new to felting, but her kits look fabulous. I’d love any of them. They would make fun little creatures for my little guy.
Oh I want to try this so bad. I have just discovered felting and I’m fasinated. Thanks for the chance to win. These are beautiful!
I would love to try this. I have recently started seeing kits and supplies for felting popping up everywhere online. I hope that the Funky Felter is back soon — her etsy shop is down…hope everything is going ok with her!
thanks for the giveaway.
Shalana’s eyecatching detail has me craving to learn this new craft! Wow the colors “pop” leaving me filled with inspiration this spring to create many new things… I will be purchasing from her shop now! I frequent etsy for supplies (as well as several friends)but now i’ve a new source! thanks! can’t wait to get my crafty little hands on her stuff!