The winner of our book giveaway is Paulianne. I don’t know much about her and I hope Paulianne leaves a comment with a little about herself. I picked the winner via Thanks to all of you that joined in this giveaway.
Patterns, projects and techniques
The winner of our book giveaway is Paulianne. I don’t know much about her and I hope Paulianne leaves a comment with a little about herself. I picked the winner via Thanks to all of you that joined in this giveaway.
Got some free time over the holidays? I think you might just love these colourful birds that you can create, give, share and learn excellent techniques from! Named Waffa Birds or (Wild and Free Fiber Art) Birds these little … Read More ...
Hi – what a surprise and delight to win your book! A dear friend of mine knits many prayer shawls that I have admired, but I prefer to crochet so your book is just perfect. In the 1980s my sis-in-law patiently taught me how to make granny squares during our lunch hour. For years before moving here that was the only thing I ever crocheted (boxes of them!). Now I live in the woods near a small rural community on the coast of southern Oregon. Many women (especially) around here do “Relping,” a local word for any hand/fiber art such as spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, wet or dry felting, etc. In recent years I started needle felting and enjoy it immensely, the creative possibilities seem endless. A few months ago I took my first spinning class from the ladies at Wild Rivers Wool, and with that unique yarn in hand decided it was time to start crocheting again. Apparently my first project will be a prayer shawl. Thank you very much.