Jacinda of “Prudent Baby” has this adorable Porcupine Pin Cushion tutorial she is sharing with us. Jacinda thought that she was pretty clever when she came up with this. She then learned that others had already made porcupine pin cushions. Jacinda asks “Have they mistakenly filled them with disgusting artificially pork-flavored dried pinto beans? I think not”. So here is Porc&Beans, the unofficial Prudent Baby mascot. The best part about Porc&Beans is how much her 2 year old wants to play with him even though he is stuck with 100 sharp objects. So fun!
Looking for more pin cushion patterns? Check out these quilting patterns on Etsy.
Looking for more Pincushion patterns? Check out this fun sewing book for making pincushions.
Sewing Pincushions are also called Emery Bag as they contain Emery powder and oxide iron that removes rust from pins and needles. Emery pinch cushions can be bought here.
I love this little idea and set out to make one today. I kept your post up on my screen. When my husband came through the living room, he saw the pic and loved it so much, he kept commenting on it!
I love it also, so cute and fun and it makes me smile 🙂
Linda 🙂
Adorable AND giggle-inducing! Thanks for sharing.
So cute, got so many pin cushions already that I’ve made, going to have a go at an animal one next and if you don’t like cutting out the felt yourself why not take a look at http://www.feltcutouts.co.uk as they do custom felt shapes.