Queen Mum of Canada posted her sweetheart of a “Poke-Me Pincushion with wristband free tutorial” on “Instructables” for us to use. I find the design totally delightful and can think of a few other projects this design would be suitable for. Queen Mum knows there are a million different pincushions out there and that stray pins can easily be poked into almost any nearby object, but she also knows that pins can walk and after finding them in all sorts of odd locations, and forgetting one or two that she laced through her pants (ouch!). She came up with this. This is the Queen all-time-favorite style of pincushion. It’s felt, it’s sturdy, it’s cute and best of all — it has a wristband (also useful for hanging it onto your sewing machine)!
reminds me of a voodoo doll *shudder*