Brandy, of “Gluesticks” is a wife and mother and her husband is a member of the US Coast Guard. Brandy loves all things domestic. Not to be out-done by her brothers, Kaylee Bandy’s daughter is in school as well. Home preschool with Mom that is! Bandy purchased an online curriculum a couple of years ago and absolutely loves it. It came with probably 1,000 printable and a yearly calendar with all sorts of fun subjects! She won’t be posting everything that they do together, but if there is a project that her daughter especially liked she will share it! And this was one of those projects! They were going apple picking that weekend and so she thought that an apple theme would be fun to do before they went to get their own! She loved it. Bandy printed out a few printable, including this apple book. Kaylee had fun coloring it and putting it together. They read it over and over and then she “read” it to mom a few times. Bandy thought she might like a fun little toy to go with it, so she headed upstairs to her felt stash and created this darling Apple with a cutie pie worm and is sharing it with us. Go here for the complete tutorial! Thanks Bandy!
Thanks so much for featuring our fun little project!! 🙂