Today we get to meet Rikka, a small town girl from Montucky, Montana who loves to sew handbags. She tells us how she has obtained virtually all her sewing knowledge from blog tutorials, and this is her way of saying thanks to all those crafty bloggers out there! Today Rikka is sharing her tutorial on “Creating my way to Success” and she is honored to be the guest posting for Jill today. Now that you met Rikka pay her a visit on her blog “Ricochet and Away” a crafty blog with a focus on sewing bags. You can get to know her better by checking out some of her favorite tutorials: In recognition of Jill’s passion for up-cycling and re-fashioning clothing, Rikka is sharing a great wool purse tutorial. Enjoy! Look for a thrift store sweater with a 100% wool label. Hello sweater season! Rikka created this chic little purse way back in July and has been sitting on it until now. Summer time is not the right time to unleash a gorgeous felted wool handbag and she had a hard time waiting!
I really like this! I can’t wait to try it out!!!
Thanks so much for the feature! Craft Gossip is my fave site so this is quite the honor! For those of you wondering, Montucky is not an actual town in MT. It’s just my pet name for my home state, but how was anyone to know that from how I worded it on my blog profile? Happy crafting and big hugs from Montucky!