Back is 2009 I posted a tutorial on making mittens from recycled wool sweaters and the people that tried the tutorial were not pleased. The posting was “Recycled Sweater Wool Mittens (HOW TOs”)! I set about looking for a better tutorial and found the one on “instructables” which Stephanie AKA “ME” used and made the darling mittens pictured and I am so pleased that we found a workable tutorial and I want to thank Stephanie for sharing her amazing mittens with us.
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I found a mitten pattern similar to this online and it was terrible. Very terrible. The lines across the palm were curved so that by the time you cut it out it was too late. Plus if you managed to get to the sewing point, the back of the hand was an inch and a half shorter or longer than the front (can’t remember which). I have (successfully) made a pair of mittens like this but I am stumped as to how to handle the cuffs so they are snug around the wrist without having to add elastic. any ideas?
I don’t know if it is possible, but can to sew a narrowed seam near the wrist?
Twyla, your pattern sounds just like the one I attempted first because I had the same problems. Linda directed me to another pattern that I modified a little and am happy with. The ribbing that you add at the cuff should make the mitten fit snug. You can add the ribbing from the hem of a sweater or simply use the end of a sleeve that is ribbed.
On the pattern I printed off of the Internet I just added about 1/2-3/4 of an inch to the bottom of piece #2 before I cut it out; that way the front and back of the mittens match/are the same length for sewing. Also, I do NOT turn the lining inside out. I leave it with the inside IN so that the seams don’t bother my skin when my hands are inside the mittens! I have had lots of luck with that pattern. The cuff needs to be sewn to the lining with rights sides together with the outer edge/bottom of the cuff toward the fingers end of the mitten so that it becomes right side out when you turn it over. I have never had to use any elastic or anything to make it a snug fit at the cuff. Good luck!
Thanks Sue for your awesome help 🙂