I think everyone, young and old will like playing with this awesome “Stuffed Felt Campfire play set… Complete with felt ‘smores and magnetic marshmallow and roasting sticks”! Lindsay hosts “Lindsay & Drew” a blogs filled with clever ideas. Lindsay relates: “Oh buddy! This is going to be a long one. I will start by saying this is a general how to as I am not an actual seamstress…. My only knowledge of sewing came from my 8th grade sewing class with Ms. Phipps or was it Phibbs?… My mom made me take it…. And I am sure glad I did. I tried to take as many detailed photos as I can because I think they can show what I did better than my words. Second, I made this up as I was going…. So there are things I would do different if there is ever a next time…” Thanks Lindsay for sharing this remarkable creative tutorial with everyone.
Well thanks for featuring! This was a really fun project and of you have basic sewing skills like me you can figure it out! Good luck! And I would love to know if anyone tries it out?!
Your project and you are amazing and we love having you share with us 🙂