Samantha’s flowers look like high end designer pieces. The colors she selected are so stunning and I would love one of these for Mother’s Day; hint-hint! Samantha lives in Brooklyn, New York from where she hosts her blog “Bromeliad” Living on Air, Water and Sunshine! Meaning of bromeliads; are resourceful plants that pull nutrients out of the thin air and reach light by attaching themselves to taller trees. Samantha emphasizes this is a quick and easy DIY for a busy week. So try one and see what you think and let her know. Follow her on facebook and be the first to see her latest creations.
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Waffa Birds from Living Felt! A Colourful and Free Tutorial!
Got some free time over the holidays? I think you might just love these colourful birds that you can create, give, share and learn excellent techniques from! Named Waffa Birds or (Wild and Free Fiber Art) Birds these little … Read More ...
Thanks so much for the mention! And, yes, they are super easy to make.
I adore your brooches and would love to get one from one of my kids 🙂 Let me know when you post another tutoria, thnaks again for sharing.