I am pretty sure you all know Betz White our felt lady! She has two books available on Amazon “Sewing Green” and “Warm Fuzzies” so check them out. Today she has these amazing “Braided Felt Cuffs” for us to make and she has a quick and easy tutorial, great for Valentine’s Day gifts. She loves to play with wool felt. Clean and sculptural shapes, like these braided cuffs, are the perfect project to show off the versatility and beauty of felt. She has always wanted to know the trick behind braided leather belts and cuffs that are made from a single piece of leather. How did they do that? Its a little technique called the “magic braid” and thanks to the internet, mystery solved! Now we are in on the trick behind braided leather belts and cuff thanks to Betz. Thanks for the neat idea Betz.
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