Rebecca of “Hugs Are Fun” has a darling “Felt Valentine Necklace” that is ready to give or wear this Valentine’s Day! One of Rebecca’s 2014 goals was to try a new crafts. Needle felting was up there on her list of crafts to try. Since she had gotten a needle felting kit for Christmas two years before; she hand everything on hand although she was nervous to try it out because of the barbed needles. It did not take to the ER like a Xacto knife so she put away her fears and went for it. Over the past weekend one of the New Year’s lists was taken off and she loved it! She thinks her heart was a good start, and next she plans on attempting something 3D! It is fun seeing someone’s needle felting for the first time and I am so happy to show everyone her necklace. Thanks Rebecca, you are a brave and happy girl 🙂
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