I don’t know much about this site, I think they sell fabrics and they have some darling written tutorials like the following. This rough textured “Trendy felt cushions DIY” is on “cchobby” is easy to make yourself. DEPENDING on the size of the cushion inside, cut two pieces of felt, adding 2-3cm To Each side of the cushion’s size. For example: if the cushion inside Measures 40 x 40cm, the pieces of felt must be each approx. 43 x 43cm. Some draw circles on a piece of felt and cut out. Sew the circles onto the cushion using coarse flax twine and tie a knot. Now sew three of the sides with tacking stitches (sew up and down) along the edge using flax twine, put the cushion inside the felt cover and sew the last side of the cushion. Finish with a knot. Cut two pieces of felt measuring approx. 42cm. Cut nine “buttons” out of the same felt. (You could use a glass as a template). Sew the “buttons” onto one of the felt piece with a big cross. Finally sew the felt piece together with the same piece of twine. Use wide stitches. Check out this site, there are some amazing tutorial and some have pictorials.
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