Debi is a wife, mother and Glam-ma and blogs out of Florida on “cameo cottage designs”! She is so excited! She knocked another knock off OFF! And she likes her’s better with the addition of gauze! I saw these pillows and I was going to try one just using a pillow form. Debi started from scratch and shows is just how to make this pillow. She did a fabulous job and I too think Debi’s looks better than Pottery Barn’s. Check out her other tutorials and thanks Debi for sharing your talent with us. TUTORIAL HERE!
Hi Linda! I just found your email! Thank you so much for featuring my PB Mummy Knock Off Pillow! I don’t know how you found it but am happy you did! What a delightiful surprise! Thank you again! Have a lovely weekend!
Awesome! Haha 😉 I should try it
I know I am 🙂 I ordered the material and I am looking forward to trying a couple. . ‘
I love it and ordered the material and I am going to make a few 🙂 Your look better than PB’s . . .
Thank you Linda and Normka! I wanna see if you do make them! 🙂 Happy to inspired you girls! 🙂
I did make one and I think it is cute and I have it on Facebook! Mine is the lazy one LOL