I have been busy purchasing felting book from Amazon, so you will be getting another book review. This book is Felting Fever and I was a little disappointed when the book arrived because the entire book contained only 25 pages, but it does have some neat projects with excellent instructions. First off it tells and shows you how to felt. Then there is instruction for a striped wrap, tomatoes shoulder bag, slit scarf, collared wrap, feather bag (very pretty) a hat, tweed bag and general instructions and techniques. The price was $8.95 and it will be worth it if I make one of their designs.
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I just today heard of felting and am completely blown away by the possibilities. I have been a knitter for 60 years and look forward to trying this new technique. I want to learn everything I can about this new craft.
Hello. I am a fiber/textile artist I have my work on my blog, lots of felting things. I would like to hear what you think.