These adorable little dolls are made of 100% Australia superfine merino wool. I think the little green tea bag is absolutely delightful and it would be a great gift to give a green tea lover. The artist explains in the following about how she became involved in doll making and how she is for filling her childhood dream. I love her philosophy; to see the world the new, and as bright and shiny. Be sure to visit this artist on Flickr and add her shop on ETSY.
All my dolls are made using my original designs and techniques.
I live in San Francisco and am formally trained in Fine Art. Oil Painting is my primary art form, a universal language to express feelings and thoughts about the world I am living in.
Color, image, and hope— much hope. When I was a child, I wanted to avoid a life of hard physical toil. I always wished that I could play freely, so I have created dolls playing with flowers and bugs. I also have created dolls holding pleasure toys, like teddy bears and little bunnies—the toys I always wanted to have when I was a poor child. Making these dolls truly fulfills my childhood dreams.
Through my dolls, I want people to re-experience the joy they had in childhood. I also want my dolls to remind people to be young at heart—to see the world anew. Be bright. Be shiny.
Dear Linda,
Thank you so much for your article!
Inspired by all the kind support from everyone, I will continue to create more Cutie dolls in the future.
Thank you.
Yu Yu
very cute. i need to go peek at the tea bag, my daughter would love it! thanks for sharing the link!
Those are so cute!!