I found this article on REALNEO! I am pleased to be able to share just how Fashion Designers are using our favorite fiber, “felt” in their clothing designs. The article begins by relating about felting in fashion:
It is rare to find anything new and innovative in fashion these days. It seems like every season is just another revival of the 60s, 70s, 80s, or some other past decade. The same things are re-presented without ever being reinvented. Horst, a nationally known local fashion designer is an exception to this trend.
Read the rest of this awesome article on REALNEO and let us know what you think. I got the picture from the same site!
Thank you for including my article on Horst on your site — which is wonderful and I plan to return to often. Since I wrote the posting on Realneo I bought several of his pieces, a shrug/jacket and several scarves. His designs are fun to wear and attract a lot of attention.
I think Horst his work is amazing. And his website is worth to visit.