This book is a must have book, “Beginner’s Guide to Needle Felting” By: Susanna Wallis, was sent to me by Joan of Search Press and now I will be sending it out to one of you! There are so many fun projects (some are shown on the cover) in the use of needle felting. Although it states these projects are for beginners, I learned several new techniques with their easy to follow pictorial instructions. It is an excellent introduction to needle felting, in particular if you are interested in dimensional technique to make objects. The materials you require are very minimal. You will need felting needles, Roving wool and foam. This book has great step-by-step instructions on needle felting. It explains all the materials that are required and takes you through all of the basic techniques.
Learn to use raw wool to make felt balls, carding your wool to blend colors and using pipe cleaners to form an armature to shape to work. The illustrations in this book are stunning and the projects are fun and useful. Make and give unique gifts that show your creativity. This giveaway will run from March 16th through March 27th! Just enter “yes please!” in the comment area to win this book.
YES Please Please Please
thank you thank you thank you
Yes, please. How interesting!
“Yes Please!” I’ve been wanting to learn Needle Felting! Looks Like FUN!
Yes Please!!!