Jayne Emerson, the author of this book has graciously consented to give one of her copies of “Simple Needlefelt” for this giveaway. She lives in the UK and we all realize that shipping out of our country is not that easy, so you residents of the UK get a chance to win this amazing book. You can go to interweave press and see a slide show on this book and purchase this book today or go to Amazon UK for a copy. I want to thank Jayne for her contribution to this giveaway! Please visit Jayne’s site and find out about all the books she has written and the Workshops she holds. I did a book review yesterday so you can take a look at the review and I am sure you will want to own it. In the comment box, simply write “enter me”
This giveaway will begin today April 29th through May 12th!
enter me
enter me
Enter me.
(And nice review!)
Enter me please!
I bought a needle felting kit when I was in Tokyo recently, so the book would be great to help me learn more about what to actually do!
Enter me. Super looking book btw
me also please
May I enter please
enter me please
I love needlefelt, but I’m not very good. Please enter me!
Enter me please
enter me please 🙂
enter me, felting feels like fuzzy and fun! xx
enter me please 🙂
Enter me please.
This looks fabulous and my needle felting skills could always do with brushing up!
Wow what an elegant book! I don’t live in the UK myself, but I have friends in the UK it could be sent to and we will visit in a couple of months. Hope I’m allowed to enter the draw!
Enter me please
Nice to see a UK fibre comp! Please enter me
Enter me please.
“enter me”
Enter me. Thanks!
Please could I be considered? I have been knitting for a little while and would love to learn how to felt, as some of the results I have seen look amazing! This book would be a real source of inspiration for me. Thank you.
enter me too please
Enter me please – this book looks fab 🙂
enter me please! I need something to get me blogging again! Thanks