Nikola went to the farm to see the animals up close, but she so a group of women making fuzzy hats and poking crazy needles into the fluffy pieces of fiber. She relates that she almost knocked everyone over to get a closer look at the women and what they were making. From that time she was hooked on felting. She was fascinated with all the things you could make with wool fiber hot water and a little soap. Poke it with needles and within minutes you have a wonderful piece of art. Well it was almost enough to make her want to devote her life to exploring felt. She had always been part of the Indie-crafts movement, but into more traditional crafting until she discovered that you could make felt items with a funky urban twist that would knock people socks off. Now Nikola and co-author Brookelynn Morris invite us into their magical world of felting with their new book that will be released in a few days. The name of this book is “Feltique”. They have pictured magnificent projects for us to try in this wonderful book. The illustrations are beautiful as is the entire hard covered book. Each project is laid out for us so we can easily understand and follow the instructions. They also have a vast array of projects using felt in several different ways. Such as; Wet felting, a process involving heat, moisture, and agitation, requires only a little soap, hot water, and elbow grease. Needle felting, in which you turn wool fiber into needle felt by merely pricking it with a felting needle, is like sculpting with wool. Fulling, the process of knitting or crocheting a garment and then agitating it in hot water and soap, creates a strong, durable wool fabric. There are also some projects using commercial felt that you’ll want to try such is the stunning necklace featured on the cover of their book. You will be surprised as to what you can actually make with felt. Like gorgeous thirsty coasters or flower trimmed hat. There is a pattern for a pillbox hat in this book that you will definitely want to try, I know I will. They also lay out basic knitting and crocheting techniques for us, so if you are not a knitter or you have never tried crochet it is clearly laid out so you can begin a new journey in crafting. There are more than 45 unique projects in this book for you to try. Each one of the 45 projects are quick and doable. Now everyone, here is our wonderful gifts from Nikola Davidson and Brookelynn Morris co-author of Feltique. Brookelynn put together five stunning felting kits to giveaway to my readers. These earrings are featured in their book. So this is not only a book review but a felting kit giveaway and five lucky people will be getting these kits. I want to thank everyone involved from our accomplished authors to the publishers for allowing me the opportunity of presenting this book Feltique and being able to hold this amazing giveaway! “Feltique” will be released on May 19, 2009 you can pre-order this book from . Heidi works with Random House and is their author’s most passionate promoter. She is the one responsible for sending out this amazing book and making sure we were part of these promotional felting kits. Thank you to all who are involved with Feltique!
To enter this giveaway, tell what intrigues you about this new felting book Feltique in the comment area and you will be entered in the giveaway. This giveaway will run from May 11th through May 24th. I hope you all find this book as interesting as I do and purchase one for yourself or a gift and try some of their amazing projects. Sticky Wicket Crafts is the brain child of Nikola “Wicket” Davidson, at the beginning of her crafting career. They are committed to using recycled, non-toxic materials and worker-friendly products whenever possible. Their mission is to provide original craft kits that are high quality, creative, and fun! Sticky Wicket Crafts is proud to be part of the indie craft revolution in Seattle. Nikola co-founded and served as Urban Craft Uprising’s first President. She is now working on a how-to book that features Urban Craft Uprising’s best crafts. Brookelynn Morris co-author of Feltique worked very hard on this book and creating these amazing kits. Her art has been featured on the cover of craft magazine. She does amazing felted fruits and several other felting applications. Craftzine has an informative interview with Brookelynn you will want to read.
I am a huge fan of felting, having done wet felting, needle felting, felt scuplting and even teach felting! I am always looking for new and different ways to work with felt so I will defintely be checking this book out!
I have recently really become interested in felting, especially wet felting. I have tried it a few times on my own without much luck so I’m looking for a good book on the subject.
This book looks like a lot of fun! I recently started making bags from felted sweaters. My mom knits felted purses. I’d really like to learn more about other felting techniques.
Sounds just wonderful. I’d love to learn to do needle felting.
The book intrigues me because its cover is inviting, and I’ve been trying to learn to do needlefelting for a long time but haven’t gotten the hang of it. Also, would love to learn wet felting. I have lots of wool and need to learn to use it for stuff besides spinninng! I also have a hat block and want to make felt hats. I love the tradition of feltmaking!
I’ve been working with felt for a few years now. Kind of just dabbling. I’m interested in what the book has to say about commercial felt as that is something I am yet to work with! The photos look great too! can’t wait to see the book.
What intrigues me is the uniqueness and the cute factor! :]
Feltique sounds like I feel toward learning felting. I have purchased needles to felt,but the felt sent along to experiment with was grays,black,and drab colors…Would REALLY appreciate this give away. Thank you, for allowing us to win such an exclusive piece of artwork that will inspire us many years to come. Lisa
This is a fun project book! Books make such great prizes…thanks for promoting felting!
I am just learning about needle felting. I am so excited to get started on a project!! This book would really help me with that!