To enrich Indiana by educating each other and the public about the innovative use of “Fiber as Art” through promoting community participation in projects, workshops, exhibitions and lectures. Thomas Horst of Horst Couture is joining us to both teach and present his wearable felted artworks. Fiber INFlux: Fiber as Art is in its first year and we are hoping to draw attendees from multiple fiber art disciplines with an array of workshops, tours, wearable art displays, etc.
Event registration begins 4/1/12 and ends 6/3/12. Fiber INflux will be held June 8th – 10th at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The workshops run from Friday 1 pm – 5pm Sat 9 – 5 and Sunday 11 – 3.
The Eventbrite registration is at:
Instructor Workshops
looking for classes taught by robert horst in the western united states. please advise.
HORST is teaching here in Northeast Ohio August 13-17, 2012!!