Extreme felting kit from Wool Queen, link at bottom.
Learning a new craft isn’t easy, especially when we have been locked indoors for so long and can’t get out and talk to people about their craft, or go to classes. So a lot of people have resorted to buying kits to get them started. I wanted to help you out so that you don’t waste time and money on something that just isn’t good quality or value for money!
A lot of the kits you will find on Amazon have tiny little amounts of many colours, but these aren’t that useful unless you are just testing fibres out! Look for kits or packs that have larger amounts of fibre in them. Packs of needles are generally ok for the beginner if they have at least 3 grades of needle so that you have coarse to fine. Kits with copious other ‘tools’ are probably not really necessary and just taking your money. I would recommend buying only from sellers who know needle felting really well. Avoid sellers who sell all sorts of things, especially if they don’t just have crafts in their store. If you visit a store and it sells nuts and bolts as well as costumes and needle felting kits it’s probably not going to have good quality kits. If it pretty much just sells different ways to use fibre they might actually know what they are talking about!
For example:
There are a few good sellers on Amazon, like Woolbuddy.
Wayne from Woolbuddy has been creating amazing felted critters, kits and tutorials for years now and I highly recommend anything he sells! You can find him on Amazon and also here at his website:
Another reputed Amazon supplier is HeidiFeathers. Based in the UK she has some great kits to stock you up on fibre. Her kits aren’t the sort you buy to make one specific creations but rather kits for quantity so you can make anything you like. I very much recommend her products as she is highly rated and respected in felting circles. You can find her on Amazon but also at her website:
Having searched through Amazon for an hour or so I’ve come across one other that I like the look of. Wool Queen appears to sell great project kits as well. I believe I’ve seen these kits used and enjoyed in my facebook felting groups. The ideas look unique and not taken from other sources and the tools look good quality.
If you like having a set project to work on then these kits will be perfect for you.
Once you have worked with kits for a while and decided this is the hobby for you, check out suppliers in your local area. There are many places around the world where you will find a local agent or grower that you never knew existed. Your local craft store can be a bit hit and miss, some love fibre and some don’t it depends on the owner and their interests as well as what can be sourced. It may be worth asking if they would start ordering fibre and needles in for you! There’s a wealth of knowledge online so don’t forget to google, chat and research your craft. Plus check back here often for more tips and advice!
Happy Felting!
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